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Robin Imaging Services: The Mohawk Gallery

September 2018


September 17, 2018December 14, 2018

Reveal investigates how the order and display of images can make previously unknown (or secret information) known to others. Featuring five artists exploring how photographs—originally intended to tell one story—can be altered by their presentation to reveal another story. The artists expose an intended story, in a specifically designated space, to show how one image can stand on its own or how it “collaborates” with its surroundings to present other revelations. The photographs, when installed together, create an entirely new story presented as part of a larger context. The images compel viewers to interpret the intended story and explore what lies behind the intent. What emotions, ideas, or goals do they project? Does the state of the physical environment matter? Reveal encourages the collection, sorting, and organization of information from the images, and the creation of an individual narrative based on new contexts.

Featured Artists: Sue Milinkovich, Steven Miller, Greg Rust, Jerry Stratton, Dan Wheeler

  • Sue Milinkovich, Peering into the past, 2015. Printed on Epson metallic mounted ¼” acrylic, 11 x 17 inches. Courtesy of Robin Imaging

  • Steven Miller, Sharks Under Moon Light, 2016. Print on HD Metal, available in various sizes. Courtesy of the artist

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Robin Imaging Services: The Mohawk Gallery

2106 Central Pkwy
Cincinnati, OH 45214
(513) 381-5116

Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm with extended hours on Tue until 6pm, Sat 10am–2pm

Free to the Public

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