Transitions is based on the Surrealist Game “Exquisite Corps” and features 20 local photographers creating one collaborative work of art. The process is simple: the first photographer creates a photo, the second photographer sees only the right side of that first photo and creates a work in response, the third photographer sees only the right side of the second photo and responds by creating yet another photograph. This process continues with the next seventeen photographers, each only seeing the right half of the previous image. All the photographs are then printed sequentially in one long mural and hung in the gallery, revealed as a single collaborative work of art.
Featured Artists: Paige Widman, Bryn Weller, Paul Grilli, J. Miles Wolf, Tina Gutierrez, Suz Fleming, Tom Uhlman, Helen Adams, Lisa Britton, Melvin Grier, Celene Hawkins, Irvin Madsen, Linda Gillings, Kent Krugh, Anita Douthat, Cal Kowal, Jonathan Gibson, Brad Austin Smith, Natalie Mancino, Erika Nj Allen
4120 Hamilton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45223
(513) 373-4661
Hours: Thurs 4–8pm, Fri 4–8pm, Sat 1–5pm, Sun 1–5pm
Free to the Public