Chris Engman: Prospect and Refuge

This ongoing series by photographer Chris Engman is a body of work that investigates the medium of photography through complicated man-made juxtapositions. The work explores the relationship between illusion and materiality, nature and the man-made universe, and moment and memory.

The Celebrative Spirit: 1937–1943

The remounting of this historic exhibition includes rare photographs, videos, and audio components that illustrate the role of social and recreational events during the Great Depression.

Ron Geibert: Four Decades

Four Decades, a retrospective exhibition of Ron Geibert’s work includes color photography, installation, and multi-media.

The Collection

Highlights of photographic artworks from the Wright State University’s permanent collection acquired by Professor Emeritus Ron Geibert from 1992–2007.

Hans Gindlesberger: I’m in the Wrong Film

Hans Gindlesberger’s series of photographs confronts unfortunate realities of life in small town, post-industrial Middle America, and represents the plight of those Americans living in regions plagued by a changing identity.

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